You are here: Sixth Form ● Y11-Y12 Transition Work ● Chemistry
Preparation for Year 12 Chemistry
Access the Royal Society of Chemistry resources - Starters for 10 transition skills resources
Work through each of the sections – Basic Chemistry competencies, Basic Mathematical Competencies and Basic Practical Competencies. When you have done the questions you can use the answers to mark them yourself and highlight any areas where further work is needed.
Access the ‘Bridging the Knowledge Gap assessment quizzes’
You will need a login for this site. You will receive an email with this information once you have accepted a place at BWS to study chemistry. but if you have not received one please email Dr Maunder (Head of Chemistry) to get a username and password . Login should be this link but if it changes search for RSC Bridging the gap knowledge quizzes on google.
Once you have got the login you will be able to do the quizzes – There are a series of 29 quizzes designed to support students in the transition from pre-16 to post-16 studies of chemistry. The quizzes consist of 10 questions in each section and focus on providing formative feedback to students. The range of question types includes text response, numerical response, drag and drop and multiple choice. If some of the quizzes are on areas which you feel you already know or they are particularly difficult then you don’t need to do them but ideally these quizzes will help you to identify any weaker areas.
Wider Extension Work
You might wish to do a FutureLearn MOOC - MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course and is co-ordinated by Futurelearn. There are literally thousands of courses, some are as short as an hour and others longer. You can do these courses whether they are currently live or archived. They have videos, questions, quizzes and if they are currently live you can engage in the online discussion forums. You don’t need to pay for these courses (unless you want a certificate which you don’t need) and you don’t need to do the whole of any course. If you start a course and it gets too hard or you are no longer finding it interesting then you don’t need to pursue it.
You could do a Chemistry course such as ‘Exploring every day chemistry’ but you could also choose one of any others that interests you. Now is perhaps a good time to develop an interest of knowledge in something beyond the normal school curriculum which could spark and interest which might help you in the future. In the past students have done the Oceanography MOOC from Southampton University and have then gone on to study Oceanography there as a direct result of undertaking this course.
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