Dress Code

In their appearance, as in their general behaviour, Sixth Form pupils have a particular responsibility in that they help to set the standard for the whole school. The Sixth Form Dress Code aims to promote smartness and confidence. The key words here are discrete, smart and professional. If any student has a problem complying with the code, they should discuss this with their Head of Year.

The dress code applies at all times - for regular school attendance and formal occasions. The summary below is taken from the school's behaviour policy which can be found here. The school reserves the right to decide what is and is not acceptable in terms of attire. 

As a quick reminder, students should bring a blazer or suit jacket every day until summer uniform is announced, wear smart, appropriate clothing, and may only wear games kit on Wednesdays. 

(Please note, whilst we still categorise our uniform choices into boys and girls, we welcome students to choose whether they identify as a boy or a girl and base their smart dress choices on the relevant list).

To be worn on a daily basis:

A suit (matching dark suit jacket and trousers) or a formal jacket / blazer and tailored trousers; a shirt with a standard collar for a tie; a Sixth form or other BWS tie; smart polished shoes (not trainers or canvas shoes!).

A suit (matching jacket and skirt, dress or trousers) or a formal jacket / blazer and tailored trousers, skirt or dress; a shirt or top that is sleeved and covers the shoulders; a BWS tie can be worn if appropriate but can be replaced with a BWS badge on the lapel; smart polished shoes (not trainers, or canvas shoes).

Some more guidance on suits for girls:
Skirts must be of a respectable length (usually at least 2 inches below hand length when arm is straight by side)
Heels should be low.
Tights should be plain, neutral coloured or dark and not laddered

Winter uniform:

In cold weather, a v neck sweater or waistcoat or cardigan may be worn under the suit jacket / blazer, but not instead of.
Coats can be worn on top of blazers (not instead of), but must not be bold coloured or have prominent logos.

Summer uniform:

Usually the last half term of the year, blazers and suit jackets are no longer required but uniform should still be smart and ties must be worn.

General rules about hair and accessories:

- All jewellery and make up must be discreet. No bold colours or statements. No facial piercings.
- Hair must be neat and tidy and a natural colour. Hair below the collar must be tied back on request.
- Facial hair must also be kept neat and tidy.

Formal occasions:

Sixth Form pupils are to wear suits to school for all formal occasions such as Cathedral Services, Founder’s Day, Prize Giving and the Carol Service: a suit is defined in full in the policy linked above, but generally comprises of a jacket and trousers of the same dark colour and material.

Games kit:

All games kit must be navy or white EXCEPT for leggings (which may be black). Kit does not need to be BWS branded, but must be in school colours correctly fitting and not have an oversized logo

The kit below does not include specific kit for your sport of choice e.g. rugby / netball, and you will be given kit lists for these when you sign up.

Boys: Navy or white t-shirt and shorts; training shoes for your activity

Girls: Navy or white t-shirt and either leggings, shorts or a navy skort; training shoes for your activity

Where to get your uniform from:

Many generic items of school uniform can be purchased from most High Street stores. Sixth Form ties and branded games kit can be purchased from the school shop, details of which can be found here:

The Parents Association sells second hand item of uniform, and in cases of hardship, Sixth Formers are encouraged to apply for a bursary. Details can be found here.