History is a dynamic subject and you will benefit from and enjoy your courses to the maximum extent if you respond with similar enthusiasm and application.

As a historian you will:
- be curious about the past
- be interested in its ever-changing relationship with the present
- be eager to know more about past individuals, societies, ideas, cultures, politics and economics
- really enjoy exploring these through reading, thinking and writing
The courses enable you to study history in breadth as well as in depth, to develop expertise in various skills (general as well as historical) and to acquire and demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the periods studied.
You will study:
- significant events, individuals and issues;
- a range of historical perspectives;
- the diversity of society;
- the history of more than one country or state;
- a substantial element of English history;
- continuity and change over a period of time.
The aims of the courses are for you to:
- develop a coherent knowledge of the past –both within and across the topics chosen;
- develop and apply understanding of historical concepts –including explanation, evidence, interpretations and significance;
- develop the techniques of critical thinking in a historical context –and the skills necessary to analyse and solve historical problems;
- develop critical awareness of a range of historical dimensions –conditional and contingent, synchronic and diachronic;
- develop the ability to communicate historical arguments and conclusions clearly and succinctly with reference to appropriate historical terminology.
The change from GCSE to A level is quite significant. You need to find ways through the reading and the work which will suit you. Be patient. Don’t expect to go from GCSE standard to A level straight away. You need to build up the skills with time.
Modern History Student Handbook 2019-2020
BWS 2025 entry Subject Information History