Find your interest, something you’re truly passionate about, whether that’s writing your own novel or applying real-world scientific solutions to global problems.

Earn lower A-level offers from many universities as you develop the drive and skills that will make a difference at uni.

Mr Sparrow, BSc (Hons), PGCE, MBA
EPQ Coordinator – tis@bishopwordsworths.org.uk

We follow the AQA project specification which can be found here:- https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/projects/project-qualifications/EPQ-7993/specification-at-a-glance

What is an EPQ?

The Extended Project will develop and extend from one or more of the student’s study areas and/or from an area of personal interest or activity outside their main programme of study. It will be based on a topic chosen by the student(s) and agreed as appropriate by the centre.

Delivery of the Extended Project Qualification at BWS will involve some teaching of the necessary skills, supervision and assessment of the student’s progress. It will involve extended autonomous work by the student and in total will require 120 guided learning hours.

Currently there are over 100 students taking EPQ in Year 12

Students are required, with appropriate supervision, to:

  • choose an area of interest
  • draft a title and aims of the project for formal approval by the centre
  • plan, research and carry out the project
  • deliver a presentation to a non specialist audience
  • provide evidence of all stages of project development and production for assessment.

Independent research is the foundation of the EPQ.  You will:-

  • Carry out detailed research that informs the project product outcome and format
  • Use a wide range of relevant resources
  • Perform critical analysis and evaluation of resources
  • Use a mix of sources to realise the project product outcome.

Why should I take an EPQ?

  • The EPQ allows young people to follow their passions and stand out from the crowd by choosing to research a topic they’re passionate about.
  • The EPQ is worth half an A-level at UCAS and is looked upon favourably by universities.
  • Completing an EPQ can benefit your A-level performance by developing independent research and study skills.
  • The skills developed by taking an EPQ can enhance students’ performance in their other subjects and beyond into higher education and the workplace.

 What will I learn taking an EPQ?

  • How to develop titles, questions and proposals
  • Project management skills, including time management, planning techniques, and setting aims and objectives
  • Research methods, including research ethics, analysis and evaluation, risk assessment and data collection techniques
  • Report writing and presentation skills.
BWS 2022 Subject Info Sheet EPQ
Extended Project Information 2024