Lower School

The routine of daily life for Years 7-8 at BWS is organised and run by the Lower School Office which is located on the first floor of M Block.

LCD2 Head of Lower School: Mrs L Drummond
Email: lcd@bishopwordsworths.org.uk

TAC2 Assistant Head of Lower School: Mrs T Collingridge
Email: tac@bishopwordsworths.org.uk

KBS Pastoral Support Officer: Mrs K Bazire-Smith
Email: kbs@bishopwordsworths.org.uk


The Lower School Office is the focus of life for the boys in their first two years. The team of 10 lower school tutors are directed by the Head of Lower School Mrs Drummond and her deputy (Mrs T Collingridge).

For their contact details please see the list of Lower School Tutors 2024-25.

In addition to handling all of the routine (but very important) day-to-day pastoral issues, the Lower School Office also monitors the academic progress of the boys through the analysis of report data. The office staff receive information from all aspects of the boys’ schooling, including rewards and sanctions, so that they can both support and challenge boys to do their best.


Year 7 Induction Booklet 2023-24
Lower School Homework Timetable 2024-25
Understanding your son's Year 7&8 Reports
Attitude Grade Descriptors for Y7-11
Year 7 New Parents' Evening Presentation June 2023
Pastoral/Safeguarding Newsletter