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Bishop's wouldn't be Bishop's without the encouragement, commitment and generosity of parents, staff, alumni and the wider community.
A tradition of benefaction and inclusivity has supported Bishop Wordsworth Grammar School since 1890, each generation benefitting from the generosity of those who have gone before. Our mission is to ensure that Bishop's offers the best educational experience we possibly can, whilst making it as widely accessible as possible.
Find a way to support the school that suits you, from a one-off or monthly gift, offering support for specific campaigns and bursaries, to remembering us in your Will with a legacy gift or giving your time to help with fundraising events and activities. However you choose to support, you will be helping transform the lives of Bishop's pupils now, and in the future.
Please read the Development Reports to get the latest updates about our development plans, fundraising campaigns and activities and how you might be able to support us.
Thank you
Caroline Popham
Head of Development and Alumni Relations
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