We’re getting back into business

Last week was the first week back for boys in Years 10 and 12. I had a suspicion that the attendance rates would be high, and certainly higher than was the case for the initial return of the younger pupils to junior schools from 1 June. What happened was that almost every boy turned up as scheduled, the only exceptions being one or two who are either shielding or are part of a family unit with one or more vulnerable member. The same is happening this week, and it lifts the spirits to see youngsters back where they should be. Until around 30 minutes ago there was an impromptu (socially separated) Year 10 picnic in progress on the lawn beneath my office window as the boys in Jewell House consumed their lunches. There’s no mistaking the positivity that they bring with them, and it is also evident that their teachers are really pleased to see them back in action in the flesh too. Online is fine, but face to face means so much more to everyone, and the same is true for the older boys too.

The group of key workers’ boys has grown too, as we have added to their number some of the lads who have found it more difficult to engage in the home environment. Life becomes more complex as this happens, as the rota for staff supervision clashes with that for the face-to-face support sessions, and of course all of the teachers are having to deliver online lessons to the rest too. The inevitable conflicts which result from time to time cause angst for everyone, and that makes it all the more rewarding to see the regular messages of support and appreciation from parents to the teachers. Being a Head means that you are usually having to deal with the cracks in the pavement; it makes my day to be copied in to a thank you message!

So it feels like things are progressing, both within BWS and at a national level, as the infection level appears to be under control and social distancing might – just might – be relaxed a little later this week. If it is then we can even start to think about what business might look like come September, but of course 1,000+ students simultaneously on this school site is a whole different ball game…