The State of Play – and how to improve it

A very practical edge to the blog this week from me. We need to have a look at what has – and what has not - been working in school over the first couple of weeks of the term. We need to have a think about what our part in all of this is, and what each of us can do to make things as safe a possible while at the same time making sure that school is a really good place to come to each and every day. We all have a stake in that, and what each one of us does will affect how good things are for the rest.

So – how has it been? The start of term is always a bit of a whirl for everyone. I can imagine what it was like for those of you who had just arrived at Bishop’s. New places, different routines, too many names and faces to possibly remember and work that will be organised in a different way to before. But this September it was tricky even for those of us who have been around here for a while. A later start, less free time, different lesson times and rotas galore. All new, all needing acclimatisation, and so I was pleased to see the way in which everybody got sorted and got on with it with a minimum of fuss. The end of last week looked - and felt – much more like business as usual. Well done!

But there are areas where we still need to tighten up, to make things work better still, so here are some reminders. Not a nag, more of a pointed set of nudges. Think what you need to do.

  1. Year group spaces – they are where you should be when you are not in lessons and not queuing for a lesson. Exclusively. You cannot ‘choose’ to be elsewhere, unless you are on a particular mission for a member of staff or going to see a teacher. Year 10s, for instance, all need to be in the Year 10 space. There is now tape on the ground between the spaces for Year 11, 10, 9 and the Sixth Form so that there is no mistaking where the boundaries lie!
  2. Queuing – is getting a lot better, but needs to be slick and well organised to ensure that there is no mixing between year groups. The problematic areas are obvious as they are where population density is greatest. In the Maths Corridor. Outside Science. Waiting for Games. In the E Block Quad. We still need to get that sorted. Properly. Your teachers should not have to intervene.
  3. On the way to and from school – you should all have a mask to use where necessary in school. You also need to wear a mask when on the bus or train. That’s not a school rule, it is a rule that has been spelled out by the government – for everyone. So just do it.
  4. On the way to and from Britford Lane. There are a lot of you, so don’t travel in a great bunch. Socially distance and look out for other people. Be considerate. Be thoughtful.
  5. Lastly – and not Covid related – remember that when you are on your way to and from Bishop’s how you look really does matter. It only takes one scruffy individual to create a poor impression that will last, and of course we all get labelled that way. Just don’t let that happen.

The only way that we can make all of this stuff right is by working together – all of us – both within our school and out in Salisbury. If you want to read what our in-school arrangements are the risk assessment is on the website. If you have a suggestion to make things work better then tell your form tutor or mentor. It really does take everyone’s eyes and ears to make our school as safe as possible for us all.

Have a great week everyone.