11 plus 2023
You are here: Main School ● Admissions (Boys only Y7-11) ● FAQs
Please see here.
Details of this Schools SEN policy can be found by clicking here.
Please see the Special Access Arrangements page of this website which can be found here.
Boys with parents/guardians on low incomes are entitled to priority when places are allocated. Applicants who, at the time of the entry exam, meet the eligibility criteria to claim for free school meals currently or in any of the previous six years and who therefore qualify for the Pupil Premium Grant must indicate that their son qualifies for Free School Meals on the 11+ Registration Form and provide documentary evidence.
The pass mark for boys who qualify and provide supporting documentary evidence from their local authority will be 3% lower than the standard pass mark and 10 places are reserved for them. If fewer than 10 pass at the reduced pass-mark, the places will be reallocated to standard pass-mark applicants.
For parents who are concerned about costs of daily travel, school meals, uniform and educational trips, there are some specific charitable funds available. This includes early help such as attending open days from primary school through to trips in support of A level studies. Please see our Financial Assistance page for further information.
Boys whose parent is or has been a member of the Regular Armed Forces are entitled to priority when places are allocated. Parents must indicate on the 11+ Registration form that their son qualifies for the Service Premium in their school or that their son has been a Service Child in any of the previous three years prior to the date of the test or that their son is in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence. Documentary evidence will be required.
Parents are responsible for arranging their child's transport to and from Bishop Wordsworth's School. It is recommended that commuting should be less than an hour, particularly for younger pupils.
Please see here for information on the School's daily routine and rules.
For free familiarisation materials and information on the 11+ practice papers available from GL Assessment please see here.
GL Assessment design the mark scheme. All marks are 'standardised' according to the age in years and months of the applicant to produce a final score.
Your results letter from the School will inform you if your son has passed the test but this letter does not constitute an offer of a place at the School. Offers at the School depend not only on passing the test but upon the overall number of boys who passed and the preferences that parents have expressed on the Secondary Application Form issued by the LA. Should the School be oversubscribed, a number of boys who have passed the test will not be offered places but will be put on the waiting list.
Your results letter from the School will inform you if your son has passed the test but this letter does not constitute an offer of a place. Offers depend not only on passing the test but also on the overall number of boys who passed and the preferences that parents have expressed on the Secondary (sometimes called ’Common’) Application Form issued by the Local Authority. If the school is, as usual, oversubscribed, boys who have passed the test will not be offered places but will be put on the waiting list. See Annex E to the Admissions Policy here.
Boys from outside Designated Areas (see that website page) who have passed the entrance test may be offered a place but, the further away they live from the School, the less priority they will have for a place. Distance to the School does NOT apply to entry for the Sixth Form.
You should still put this School down as a preference on the Local Authority Form because, although your son is not eligible to be offered a place on 3rd March 2025, then you will be entitled to lodge a parental appeal which will take place in May 2025. The appeal will be heard by a panel of members who are totally independent of the School. See the website page: ‘appeals’.
Yes, there are two types of appeal: resources and selective. A parent may appeal to the Independent Appeals Panel
See the website page: ‘Appeals’. Details on making an appeal are sent to parents whose son is not offered a place.
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