Welcome to Bishop Wordsworth's

What is the BWS Foundation?

The BWSF has 3 main aims:

a) To help all Wordsworthians (W's) in their future careers with internships

b) Our BWS Corporate Partnership Scheme

c) Bursaries to help disadvantaged students come to BWS

What's Happening At Bishop Wordsworth's School

Badminton - Sports Hall (tbc)
Little Kickers - Sports Hall
Little Kickers - Sports Hall
Team Bath - Sports Hall
Badminton - Sports Hall (tbc)

Our Heritage

The Bishop’s School, as it was then called, opened on its current site on the 16th April 1890 with 45 boys. Girls were welcomed in 1902 and the school was coeducational until 1927, when the girls departed to their new school on Stratford Road. Originally there were boarders, but since the Second World War we have catered for day pupils only. We now have around 1200 pupils across the school, about 400 of whom are in the Sixth Form. In Years 7-11 we cater for boys only, but since September 2020 we have welcomed girls to our coeducational sixth; approximately 30% of Years 12 and 13 are female students.

The legacy of Bishop John Wordsworth and our heritage and traditions are something we are very proud of. The marriage of old and new, historical roots and innovative development makes for a unique educational experience for every one of our students. We want to make being at Bishop's special for all of our boys and girls.

With our privileged location within the Close and monthly school services in the splendour of the Cathedral, lasting memories are created for current and former students alike. Our students aim high and achieve amazing things every year. We are hugely proud of all of them and of our place at the very heart of Salisbury's society and culture.

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